Welcome at the Protestant Airport Chaplaincy Frankfurt am Main

The Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN) is located in the western centre of Germany. It includes the southern part of Hesse and the eastern part of Rhineland-Palatinate.

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    Protestant Church of Hesse and Nassau

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    27.02.2025 fhss-bkl

    Sundays in March

    A warm welcome to everyone to the roman-catholic and protestant worship services in the chapel in terminal 1, departure hall B

    27.02.2025 A. Maschke_g012


    We wish all Muslim employees and passengers at Frankfurt Airport a blessed time during Ramadan.

    21.09.2024 A. Maschke_g012

    Online Meditation

    Dietmar Schinkel offers an online meditation time twice a week. Always on Tuesday at 9.30 pm and Thursday at 6.30 pm. Just join in! Try it!

    20.09.2024 A. Maschke_g012

    15 minutes ...

    ... being here and now! Dietmar Schinkel, meditation and yoga teacher, is offering regular lunchtime meditation sessions in the chapel. At noon - for 15 minutes! A warm invitation!

    11.04.2022 fhss-bkl

    Support at the Airport

    Ви знаходитеся в аеропорту Франкфурт на Майні? Ваші друзі або родичі застрягли в аеропорту Франкфурт на Майні і потребують допомоги? Будь-ласка звертайтеся до нас.

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