Roman-Catholic Airport Chaplaincy
Pastoral care for travellers and airport employees. Pastoral care in emergencies, pastoral care for refugees and accompaniment in deportation monitoring as well as social services. Click here to go to the website .

Church social service for passengers
“Travellers Aid” is available for passengers who get into an emergency situation at the airport and need help - regardless of origin or religion. Website. Website

Support for the homeless at the airport
Social services at the airport get into contact with homeless people, offer support and accompany their first steps towards a self-determined life. Website

Refugee chaplaincy at the airport
The Church Refugee Service at the airport offers procedural counselling and pastoral care for people who are seeking asylum in Germany and are not allowed to enter the country for the time being. Website

Deportation monitoring
The staff members of the Deportation Monitoring Service are on site when refugees who have been living in Germany for several years are deported. Their observations are evaluated in cooperation with the Federal Police and human rights organisations. Website Caritas und Website Diakonie. Website Diakonie and Website Caritas

Thanks for your Donation
A breakfast, a shower voucher or a train ticket for stranded passengers. As well as smaller financial assistance for airport employees in need. – These are also ways how the airport chaplaincy supports people here at the airport. We are happy about donations that make this possible. Thank you very much!
Sometimes we also need specific donations in kind. Please give us a call if you would like to know what we or the people we care about currently need.